Unique and unexpected talk!
Loved seeing NDT show up out of nowhere, good analogy.
Girls, be proud to love tech and science so we can build 50/50 IT teams and get different POVs!
Only small critique is that some English was not always clear.
I'm always questioned whether laravel fit large scale app. Could you publish its slide? Thanks.
Completely agree with Jochem Fuchs - The content had potential, the talk was probably well prepared, but the speaker's nervousness didn't do it justice. That being said, I still enjoyed parts of it and I'm definitely in the 90% of the people Jochem mentioned :)
Is there slides for this talks?
Good talk! Maybe speak a little more slowly and make slides more readable.
Always nice to see that the legendary Taylor is still, not just at heart, first and foremost a develop like all of us. And I think he was spot on as to the reason why Laravel might win against other frameworks ( the enthusiasm to use components from the community and other frameworks )
Andreas' talk to me was the highlight of the day. A lot of in-depth knowledge presented straight to the point. Thanks and please do more talks for the php community!