This was a very good high-level overview regarding the process. I was looking for more details regarding the tools, but the information was still generally helpful.
You did well even though you were nervous.
I really enjoyed the talk. The Star Wars references were very entertaining. There were several points where I found myself laughing about them.
The leadup in the beginning was good, the experiences at the end was great, and the QA was fantastic. You did well inspiring us to go out and help others.
This was an excellent talk. I was certain he used my code in his examples, but I now understand how to get past that level of coding and move the code to a base that is simpler to maintain.
One of the best!
Great time. Wish I could have stayed longer, but it was a lot of fun getting to hang out with fellow developers.
Very good overview. I enjoyed the real-world examples as well as the simple solutions.
I found myself trying to find a way to fit ElasticSearch into my current project where there is very little searching to begin with. I am really excited to use this in a future project (or possibly in this one)
I have been wondering about the project and what the advantages were over Google Maps. I hadn't been able to really dig into it yet, so this talk was an excellent introduction to its capabilities. It is an amazing data set, and I look forward to possibly helping the US improve theirs.
I was expecting a more high-level approach, but came out with a better understanding of the process. I think developers of all levels were able to benefit from it. Many of the details were over my head since I have never written C, but I understand the overview of the process and what it will take to work through it and complete an extension when needed.
Also, you did an excellent job of recovering when things did not go quite as well as you expected.
Great talk and awesome delivery as always.
Excellent detail on the talk. The information regarding XHProf was amazing. Very impressed with your live demo as well. I have never seen one flow as smoothly.
Only recommendation I have is to shorten the demo so that you are not as rushed at the end. Otherwise, great talk!