Talk comments

Nice Presentation

bekee gibson at 10:54 on 27 Sep 2017

I was worried that I wouldn't know what was going on because I've been using SourceTree (primarily) for a couple of years, but that knowledge actually helped me visualize what was happening when using the cli commands. I did lose the follow-along aspect early on, but I think I retained enough just watching.

I certainly have more confidence now to start breaking up with SourceTree, especially after learning about bash_profile aliases. :)

bekee gibson at 10:43 on 27 Sep 2017

It is clear that Andrea is an expert in this vast topic that a lot of us overlook. I hope she never tires of being an evangelist for web accessibility.

Ryan Gittins at 10:15 on 27 Sep 2017

This talk was refreshing. It's great to see someone go in depth with this topic and give some practical examples of how we can all avoid burnout and be healthier in general.

Ryan Gittins at 10:12 on 27 Sep 2017

This speaker did a great job giving concise examples of SVGs, styling them with CSS, and animating them with JS. This talk was very snug in its time slot and was neither too much nor too little information. Nice job!

Ryan Gittins at 10:09 on 27 Sep 2017

Solid talk! I definitely learned a handful of things I'll be applying in the future. To think—aliasing leftpad() with Composer would've saved everyone a lot of hassle last year!

Ryan Gittins at 10:07 on 27 Sep 2017

I disagree with the anonymous commenter who said the talk was too negative. The speaker wasn't bashing CMS's just for the sake of bashing them—she was merely saying that a CMS is overkill for many applications. In fact, even a framework can be overkill in some situations. Overengineering is definitely a common problem in our industry.

In one example the speaker gave, a client wanted a website which was pretty much just a representation of a business card. It was done with WordPress when some HTML and CSS would not only have sufficed, but would've been faster to produce and faster to load. To call this bashing WordPress is like saying that it's bashing shotguns to say you shouldn't use a shotgun to kill a mosquito—it's just overkill!

Andrew Shell at 16:50 on 26 Sep 2017

I really enjoyed this talk. Although he went through a lot more than I have, there were certainly some parallels I identified with. Very interesting story.

Anonymous at 10:13 on 26 Sep 2017

This talk was too negative. It was too focused on bashing CMS's and did not spend enough time discussing actual solutions. It's clear that the speaker was very passionate about the topic, but the speaker did not take scaling issues into account during the talk. I think this speaker has potential, but needs to work on researching the topic more in-depth and keeping the talk positive.