Talk comments

It was interesting to hear about some of the PHP projects at NASA. It was also an inspiration to think big - PHP in space!!!!

I enjoyed Joe's talk very much and was able to add to my arsenal of UX knowledge. He was very informative anad communicated his points very concisely.

Great job. I love the incorporation of innovation in the Agile manifesto. I have had quite a few experiences with implementing an Agile development process and have met with a few challenges. It was quite refreshing to see a community and standard out there to follow.

Todd presented the topic of Gamestorming really well to those of us who were new to the concept. The group exercise was a fun way to understand the principles of service design and user experience design that Todd mentioned in his talk.

Anonymous at 04:49 on 15 Aug 2012

Thank you - great news.

I found were I get the info from: It's notes within the changelog of pecl/memcached-2.0.0b1
- Change the return value for non-existing keys to be NULL rather than 'false', affects simple get only

Very good talk, nicely presented by a very pleasant and knowledgeable speaker. Dave had some great metrics to go along with the presentation, and to direct people on where to put their energy. A great companion piece to Jonathan Klein's talk on High Performance PHP.

Good and very straightforward presentation of HTML5 and its capabilities. Jeremy's slides are not available yet, but as I recall, he did not say that "CSS3 is part of HTML5". He did say they worked together, and make it clear they are different things. Some very good, very practical information on what's here, what's coming, where to get more information on what works and what doesn't, and how different platforms are going to affect us. Very good.

Some tough comments there for a very good talk that emphasized multiple approaches to security working together, rather than one single approach. Michael made it clear there is no one thing that's going to make your site secure. A valuable session.

Excellent talk. Jen's a terrific, engaging, and engaged speaker who provided a lot of information quickly, clearly, and memorably. She handled the SRO and sitting-on-the-floor crowd like a first rate comedian, telling us what she wanted to say, and keeping everything moving. In talking about working with clients, a number of questions came up about getting paid, and how to make sure that happens. Jen would be a great presenter on this subject - from Statement of Work to final payment - that would make for a great Meetup.

Fun presentation with martial arts and Mortal Kombat fluff around some savvy product and go-to-market information. Pek talks fast and demos fast, and apparently he can get something out the door fast. He provided some insight into getting the product out quickly. Well worth the time.