Talk comments

Great introduction to profiling.
Due to time only brief views of different applications. Though still covering all sections.

Very good introduction to Varnish. From your abstract though you would expect a bit more in depth information.

I have to agree with Hugo. Do some polishment on your slides and any conference wants to have this talk in their schedule

Lots of profiling methods introduced, the only thing I was missing is a clear overview of all the options with pros and cons and how to choose the right one depending on your performance issue(s). For most options this was discussed only briefly and in not comparison to each other.
Learned some new things that I'm going to try out the next time I need to profile an app.

Although this is a nice overview and a decent introduction, the presentation sort of lacks in depth when it comes to comparing Varnish to other solutions. A more properly weighed presentation would work better in my opinion.

I really like the wat the speaker dealt with the material and took us through his lessons learned though, and the enthusiasm really shines through.

Good speaker with a good talk!

The slides should be a bit more polished ^^

The presentation made me realize how little I actually knew about something I often use and take for granted. Got me interested enough to do more research later.
Very well presented.

Great talk, very interesting to learn something about the subject