I came in late so it's a bit hard for me to tell, the part of the talk I saw was great however, keep up the good work! :)
I think this talk was great and informative. The demo did not go as smooth as planned but it was handled with grace and the fact that there were fallback slides in case of shows that the speaker was well prepared for the occasional demo-failure. Nicely done! I always prefer to have it hands-on, teaches me more and makes me see how I can actually do this in-real.
I learnt some things and - I always like learning new things, thanks! :D
Great talk! It was quite speedy but still clear and a nice presentation of the subject. Some parts of it was quite funny as well, always nice to get humour into a talk! =)
Really liked the talk and how well-prepared the speaker was. Must be kinda intimidating to do you talk in front Derick! The speaker was very knowledgeable not only on the NoSQL types, but also on the theoretical backgrounds for developing these different types, which was quite interesting. I would however agree that a bit more hands on would have been nice (as long as you don't throw out too much of the current presentation!)
Good talk. Nice approach of combining some literature theory together with your personal experiences.
What were the two books you mentioned?
Heads off for the live coding. Requires balls and keeps it interesting! The small todo application approach was a good idea. Too bad you ran out of time, I would really have liked to see more and was dissapointed in a part of the audience.
I think there where two things in this talk which you might need to fix for a next time.
The first one was that in the beginning you could have explained a bit more about the reasons one can have for having a full client-side solution. Gathering from the reactions of the public there was little knowledge on stuff as (REST) API's. A pros and a cons slide for your approach, maybe stating when to use it and when not could have fixed this audience scepticism (although I personally feel some of the developers in the audience might have felt a bit too much threatened because this would change they way they currently work). Also introducing the idea of an API more clearer and earlier on in your talk might have helped with this.
The second one was in your combined presentational skills. I think you both would have done the presentation quite good without each other, but because of presenting it together now it was a bit chaotic at times.
A big plus for me was that you both showed to be highly knowledgeable on the topic and that during the talk it was getting more and more interesting.
Good talk, clear message. Maybe you could have fitted some more information in or given some more examples. For instance: I really like your Disneyland example, but would have liked it even more if there were some examples from other (preferably technical) companies as well.
Great talk, lot of information, but still clearly presented. The hands-on approach really helps getting things across. Maybe introducing a real life application that you will debug piece-by-piece will make the different options even more clear.
I fully disagree with another commenter above. Even the slightest change (such as rebooting) can mess up your demo. I think it is actually a big plus that you take this into account as well and even have prepared fallback slides!
The slides maybe being a bit simplistic didn't bother met at all. I got a good introduction to composer and enjoyed your presenting style.
For me personally there was a bit of information overload at the end, but I think that is also because I have little experience with this type of topic. Very interesting though!
Maybe you could introduce also a practical example in your slides, where you have a real life (or semi-real life) project and show how you would go about using this together with composer, packagist etc, so that we can actually see composer in action as well.
This talk was great and informative. Serves as a good introduction for the different solutions. The speaker seemed incredibly knowledgeable and well prepared. I did however feel that some use-case scenarios would really have lifted this talk to a 5-star rating.