Nice touch the way you demoed. Very convincing software. But in the end the talk didnot explain anything about the reasons why you should do it, or the background of it (reread the synopsis of the presentation on this site). Now it was more a short introduction into somr javascript libraries.
Ik sluit me volledig aan bij Wim Verheij. Presentatie zat zeer goed in elkaar, het is jammer dat er niet meer mensen waren die dit mee konden maken!
Lots of information and a good checklist of all the possibilities. At the end the talk becamee somewhat monotone, and the main message was lost in the details. I suspect that the speaker has a lot of experience, but in the end it didnot show. But overall a good and complete introduction.
I liked the idea, but it didn't work out quite well. The code written was interesting, but could've been explained in a way shorter time.
A thing I was very interested in, was seeing how a big project would turn out. For me it was a real bummer that you couldn't show us some of your 'mystery' project.
A very informative talk, but it a real shame there was no time for the demo.
Somewhat.mixed feelings. On one side it was a very good and lively talk, on the other side the overall message became somewhat lost. There was too much for the alotted time. Maybe is focus on php only better.
Good presentation.
Interesting subject, and knowledgeable speaker. A little more preperation would have made this a excellent presentation. Now it was somewhat chaotic and in the second part I lost track.
A great introduction into deploying application. The presentation touches on a lot of topics that tend to be overlooked or underestimated.
Enjoyed it very much. Liked the speed in particular.