Good overview. Live code editing -- always good fun.
Nice to learn the tools exist to do continuous integration.
Good informative presentation with a unique twist. Nice to see it in proper operation.
A little bit rushed on the odd topic, but I suppose that was the idea :-)
Is it true that the speaker has a book coming out? ;-)
Good as a light introduction to the day.
good to know what's coming up.. some slides a bit confusing with multiple reuses of same variables in examples for different things.. aparat from that good clean presentation
Detailed talk - but seemed to go off on a tangent about optimizing code.
Would like to know more about actual php interfacing with libraries for searching and the indexing.
Speaker was clear and excellent though.
Wish talk was longer ith more info about mysql optimisation in general :-)
info in 30 minutes was helpful though
Learn't a little more than i knew before the talk :)
Nice to see a Live Code.
And No I am not a Drupal Convert!