reall good talk.. just the last slide with the alternating colour/black and white started to trigger my photosensitivity..
Whoops wrong talk.
But this one was good too, I never knew about EXPLAIN, so was happy to see a talk on something I knew nothing about.
I'm sitting and starting to debug my queries on my website now :-)
It was really good, as an amateur to Regex it was good to see it explained better than any resource I have found online so far.
It was really good, as an amateur to Regex it was good to see it explained better than any resource I have found online so far.
Great intro to the day, got a few laughs with flashturbation stuff ;)
Good Talk. Needed to be code savvy to follow it all. But I will definitely look into zend framework more.
Good easy intro to a complex subject, having used ZF for over 2 years now I forget how overwhelming it can be for ZF virgins to get their heads round - the pain is definitely worth it though!
Great. Some good points. Things I've learned over 20 years of programming. Good to see such principals being promoted for web/php.
Good, confident, well annunciated speaker - makes it easy to follow complex subjects. Good analysis of Lucene implementations between PHP / Java. Nice well rounded talk :)