Talk comments

Excellent start to the day, clear and motivational. I do love to see training/development encouraged. If we don't want to learn we are in the wrong business.

Not as good a venue as Saturdays I found it too hot, hard to hear and very difficult to see the screen from half-way back in the room (and I am not short).

Thought the topic was perfect for putting people in the right frame of mind for the day ahead. Will be using slide karaoke to disseminate to colleagues at work, a great idea!

A good primer to Zend tool. Wouldn't have minded seeing more practical use cases, but we got a live demo, so fair enough. Touching on the more advanced aspects would also be a useful future addition to this talk.

A well presented keynote and a good start to the event. I can see it being used in the future to help convince more managers to let their developers go to events and get training.

We're already using some of the sharing ideas, including slide karaoke at our developer evening next week.

A good talk, and didn't sound rushed considering as mentioned, the talk was designed for longer.

In my previous job I was in part the web admin for a secure shared hosting product (PHP 5.3 even :) ), so a lot of the information I knew, but it was presented well.

A good show of what Zend Tool can do.

It looked a pain to install ZF correctly to do this, however I use the pear installation that Ralph provides, which makes it a breeze to install in the server's standard environment and php include paths. Hopefully this will become the method of choice in ZF 2

Really enjoyed the evening. Shame free beer finished so quickly. Also really appreciated the dinner as I was starving by that time. Also had good time watching people playing Mario cart and playing Guitar Hero myself. Was good fun!

Also after conference conversation with people were really good.

I really liked the idea of the shootout. I didn't really mind David stepping up. More, I would expect the others to defend their framework more actively. After that I am more likely to look at Agavi. Really disappointed with Rob staying in the shadow really.

The downside was the mic, could really hear Derick and Rob.

Very interesting topic, with some good things to think about in the future. Waiting for the video to come online to watch it again!