Talk comments

Excellent talk. Extremely well delivered on a very interesting topic. Really impressed with the charisma of the speaker and the pace the talk was done with. Good stuff!

Well delivered talk with some good examples and tips. Now waiting for the videos to come online to watch it again!

Great topic with really good examples. Thanks for pointing out the T&C quirks of Google maps. I hope I will be able to play with it a bit!

Very well delivered keynote. Some good ideas for team and self education. Amazed how well this fits into my experience with continuous integration!

I was really looking forward to this talk as it's something that has caused our team considerable pain recently. It definitely provided a certain amount of food for thought even though the silver bullet doesn't exist. Funny and well presented too.

A useful talk but probably aimed more at people who develop software products rather than applications. I was hoping for some nitty-gritty deployment tips on production servers. It was a useful insight into how a company like Sugar build their software though.

I actually ended up in this talk by mistake as I'm a fairly seasoned ZF programmer (but I read the schedule wrong as it was still too early in the morning!). It was well worth attending though to fill in some holes in my knowledge especially about the dreaded form decorators. The sandbox was very impressive and will be something I'll be making use of in the future.

A great keynote to open the conference and really well presented. Really enjoyed the bits on communicating with management to illustrate the business sense in constantly educating your developers. I just wish the IT management in my company had been there to see it too.

Excellent talk, well presented and not bogged down with code. It's always nice to see someone involved with a framework accepting it's flaws and helping it push forward.

Informative talk - well delivered with a good mix of clarity and humor.