Talk comments

A great talk, which gave some useful ideas and advice regarding refactoring and handling legacy code, however, it was not quite what I expected from the title alone.

I really enjoyed this tutorial. I was in a group of 5, and I think we all kept up to speed. If one of us failed a step, we could help each other out, or Michael would gladly help - which he did on more than one occasion.

I personally have played with Ansible before, so I have played with most of the content of the tutorial - but I can see how it would be great for someone starting fresh at the subject.

I would have liked a little more on Vagrant - as it was primarily Ansible that we worked with, as it gives much more flexibility - but to go over some of the newer features of Vagrant would have been cool too.

At the end of the talk, we talked about and started implementing some playbooks for one of our projects.

Sharing the benefits of an experienced dev's experience, the bits you can't learn from a book or a university. Also left me wondering how come Germans have a reputation for being humourless!

Learned a lot about compilers/interpreters from this, good talk on an area that I'd bet few in the room have delved into.

Found the presenter's honesty very refreshing :)

I think it's rare that it's going to be useful as bottlenecks are usually elsewhere, but this is something I personally find fascinating. Agree with just about everyone else, this talk shouldn't have been scheduled for 9 on Sunday!

It was, as stated, basic, but it was structured in terms of how much can be broached in less than an hour. Got me interested in microframeworks.