Talk comments

Nigel Greenway at 08:14 on 4 Oct 2016

An enjoyable and funny talk. Although I understand where people are coming from with the "in jokes", I think he delivered a great "what if" talk about PHP and it not being around. The idea that some people will not get these "in jokes" is a non-issue as from my point of view, the newer generation may not understand these jokes, but it may encourage them to look certain things up?

Chris Seaton at 06:39 on 4 Oct 2016

A pretty good talk that touched on how to address the Top 10 issues and how to defend against them at a code level. One suggestion would be to have a closure look at OWASP Zap.

Chris Seaton at 06:34 on 4 Oct 2016

This talk was an example why I never miss out on a talk by Rob. Well delivered, just the right amount of content and I've come away feeling confident that I'd be able to jump right into Slim. I'd always heard good things, but it now confirmed that I'll be using it in the near future.

The best part was how it explained PSR-7 with real clarity.

Chris Seaton at 06:29 on 4 Oct 2016

Another great talk from Stefan - covering a large range of options for improving teams. Only real suggestion would be to look at touching on how to manage de-motivated individuals more (although this may be outside the scope of the talk, as there wa plenty of content)

Chris Seaton at 06:26 on 4 Oct 2016

I found the talk well-paced and devliered. It also clarified a few areas of uncertainty I had surrounding Behat.

Chris Seaton at 06:23 on 4 Oct 2016

My first real exposure to Behat at a practical level, and it was well delivered. It certainly clarified how we go from a scenario through to writing the tests. Ciaran was on hand to solve any issues I hand, although I wish we'd had a little more time on the practical side of things.

This talk was all about Gary, or was it?!?
(Or was it actually about you, me and every other developer out there?)

Man Gary, you really know how to deliver a story.
Very moving and I so much admire your courage to confront your demons on stage.
Made me laugh very loud and made me cry (a bit).

I learned about a new technology, how I could use it and in which situations it could be useful. Also learned how to do it, what common pitfalls to be aware of and how it differs from the normal way we write apps. Made me want to start coding on it right away. I also laughed a lot.
Can't think of what I'd want more out of a technical talk. Excellent really.

Aisha Sie at 21:29 on 3 Oct 2016

This was a fan-tas-tic talk! I always enjoy hearing about how people end up where they are now, and you really went all out on that - all to build up to this great underlying message of how open source literally changes lives like your own. What I loved most about this entire talk is how wholly genuine you are throughout. Even when you are poking fun at yourself, but especially when you lay bare your most vulnerable experiences (like your OSMI reaction). You have such passion and such presence, kudos to the PHPNW16 crew for giving you the opportunity to shine there as the closing keynote! Bravo!

Excellently composed talk; really well balanced and I do enjoy it when you can tell that a lot of thought went into it.
Flawless delivery; you sound like you've been doing it for years. Even coping with the mike you took into your stride.
Beautiful slides that were really supporting the message which in itself I've not seen told in the clear manner in the PHP community before. An important story to be told as far as I'm concerned.
Highlight of Day 1 for me.