Talk comments

A truly pleasant prologue to PHP Parallels, as a lightning talk it was never going to be top to bottom yet I think clarifying when utilize viagra is the best guidance this discussion could have given.

Anonymous at 11:42 on 5 Oct 2015

The talk was very informative and introduced useful tools. Covered the reasons for good dependency injection and provided useful information on how to do it.

Anonymous at 05:21 on 1 Oct 2015

This is the great one ... i would like to learn PHP....

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As talks go, this was a great talk to open a conference with. To see him talk so passionately about the PHP community has only re-enforced the fact that I want to be part of the community and get involved even more.

A great talk that made a lot of sense in terms of what we do as developers.

It would be good to see more on the subject.

Great to have laser quest on tap, man it was hot in there! Nearly missed food as went for the laser quest game, however some people after us missed out as it was cleared away - good job there was a fish-n-chip shop over the road. Didn't sample the drinks as was driving but everyone was mentioning the high price, abandoned the venue for the pub soon after the meal.

on Social

I've seen this talk 3 times now, every time I've learned something new! This talk format is Lorna at her best, engaging, funny (without realising it!), human - you're way better when you're out of your comfort zone! Live demo's with broken laptop spacebars is the new thing I'm sure, please don't fix it we'd all be the worse for it ;)

Generally good talk, however many points were asserted as the only way to view things. Being opinionated is fine, but without room given for alternate views it potentially lands flat for the audience. Learning to handle the Q&A better would improve things - allowing one person to have a question and 2 follow ups, locks out others with points to make.

Great delivery despite the reported nerves from having family in the room, good energy and audience engagement. Nice exposure of the flaws found in many (even large / popular APIs) good to see them get called out :)