Talk comments

Great talk, illustrating the artist inside our coding minds. I've said for years code is like poetry and this talk captured that nature beautifully. Also, slides with Unicorns for the win!

Good intro talk, nice humorous touches, slides need work to be readable more than a few rows back.

Moving, personal story blended with great community pillars, inspired!

Laser quest was absolutely amazing. Also played a bit of a board game; that was cool. Food was decent. :D

on Social

This was my favourite talk of the day; Lorna was (understandably) nervous about performing it as it involves a lot of live demo, but it was excellent! I loved the 'choose your own adventure' style; really innovative way to deliver a technical talk and full of enthusiasm. Not to mention I learned a few useful tips, too, and gained a deeper understanding of some things. :D

Good technical talk; covered a lot of points and provided valuable insight. However, I felt that delivery was a bit lacking in enthusiasm. Possibly to do with time of day etc.

I'd never seen Phil Sturgeon speak before, but this was, as expected, highly entertaining. A+

An entertaining talk from Erika, featuring a unicorn. Drew parallels between art and engineering. Quite insightful. :)

Lovely uplifting talk from Cal to start off the day; resonated so much with me. I love the PHP community. :D

This talk gave a good overview of the WP-API & demoed an neat example implementation using Titanium + Backbone.JS.

I would have liked a few more examples of where this would be a solid choice for a production site, as I did leave the talk feeling while WP-API was neat, I'd always opt to build an API using an MVC framework like Laravel or Symphony2.