Talk comments

Good talk on parallel PHP, cleared up the usage of some terms & has a great sense of humour.

Fair amount of it went over my head but it's made me more aware of things I didn't realise could be done with PHP so I can research on it separately. Couldn't expect in-depth explanations in such a short period of time.

Really, really great talk about the PHP community. Didn't realise there was so much going on in the community, certainly encouraged me to go out and get involved more.

Harrie didn't seem as comfortable with this talk as he normally is, and the tannoy announcement and rendition of Happy Birthday from below didn't help.
As an overview of a few tools that can be used to handle migrations through different code branches, it was informative about what can and can't be done; but perhaps a bit too "dry"

Anonymous at 23:45 on 18 Jul 2015

We chatted in the lunch queue but will post anyway.

I really enjoyed your talk and felt you covered a lot of ground.

As well as the specifics of dependency injection, you made a number of subtle points that I hadn't heard before and really appreciated, for example:

- Prefer ClassName::class to string
- Rethrow generic exceptions as specific exceptions to aid troubleshooting
- Logical to define resource factories as functions since code outside the project is procedural in nature
- More efficient to review methods from interfaces than classes

The last two points are both valid in my view, however others seemed to find them controversial.

There may have been less scepticism if you had warned us that you have a somewhat distinct style and favour a particular approach in some areas.

You also started your talk without an "about me". Establishing credibility and common ground would likely have made your audience more accepting.

Anonymous at 22:32 on 18 Jul 2015

This was a great talk with lots of useful tips. I particularly liked how you gave the audience several options at each stage, allowing us to choose what parts appealed to us the most.

Anonymous at 22:24 on 18 Jul 2015

A great talk as ever. Phil is one of the best speakers I have seen

Anonymous at 21:21 on 18 Jul 2015

By far my favourite talk of the day, and probably the BEST guide to Git I've ever seen. I really wish I had something like this 4-5 years ago, it would've helped me avoid many painful encounters with Git :)

Once the video's out, I'm going to refer all our junior devs to it. Looking into your other resources now!

Anonymous at 21:16 on 18 Jul 2015

A good overview of the WP-API project. Personally I felt the talk was let down by the divergence into Titanium - perhaps a longer look into WP-API, with "vanilla" example of Backbone integration would've worked better?

But overall very well presented, enjoyed it :)

Anonymous at 21:13 on 18 Jul 2015

Very inspirational talk, emotional at points too :) Thank you.