So much useful information. Makes you feel very wary about trusting anyone with personal information.
Made me feel guilty about sometimes submitting time-wasting issues, and not thinking about the people behind the code! An eye opening talk, well presented. And thank you for Composer :)
One of my favourite talks this conference, lots of information and best practices on OOP and persistence in general. Excellent delivery too!
Less useful for me, but some great advice in there for people who are not as experienced with version control. I think the main problem was the room full of git-snobs (:) and the basis of the talk being SVN (not the speaker's fault) - it is surprising how many companies do still use SVN, and common sense applies everywhere. All in all, was a clear and well presented topic.
Some many useful suggestions that I was be talking to the team about. Engaging speaker as well.
Some useful take-aways, including the 204-trick. But felt like a lot of the beginning could have been condensed - I think a lot of us came for tips and tricks rather than a full description of the case study. Still, it didn't lack for useful information.
Amazing talk, just felt like it could be slowed down a little bit to make it easier to follow (not sure it was intentional fast, given the title). As Ed said, nice to see someone unafraid to admit lack of knowledge :)
One of my favourite talks. It's really interesting how some software techniques have stood the test of time and have been applied to many tools and languages. My big take away was its much more valuable to learn these principles and practices that can be applied to many technologies and business domains, rather than the coolest framework/tool/language. All the topics covered are very interesting and large themselves, I think the topic of the talk would be better suited as an ENTIRE two day conference, with more scope for workshops and not an hour long talk! I'd definitely attend though if you do make it into a conference ;)
Interesting insight into the problems faced handling data at this scale and interesting to hear how you at AOL are solving it. An engaging well delivered talk too!
Engaging and articulate talk.