Talk comments

Richard Lane at 20:04 on 14 Apr 2018

Always enjoy your talks - good balance between being reassuring, encouraging and putting the fear of god into us all. If I could make one suggestion: you give lots of examples of bad practice (they are so many!) but it would be good to see examples of people doing it right: in another talk someone mentioned the psychology studies finding that people are more likely to improve by being told "x% of people do it well" rather than "y% of people get this wrong", even when y >> x. Show us what good looks like!

Richard Lane at 20:00 on 14 Apr 2018

Best talk of the day for me! Fluently delivered, clear, engaging & very useful - covered a lot of ground very effectively to give a flavour of the different systems. Sorry I don't have any criticism!

Thank you for your talk, there was a lot of valuable content. You were clearly nervous to begin with but once you relaxed you spoke well. The Q&A was particularly good.

Ben Rowan at 18:13 on 14 Apr 2018

This was a really engaging, informative and amusing talk. I'll now be taking a serious look into DDD.

Pete Samways at 16:55 on 14 Apr 2018

A good and entertaining introduction to a topic I had very little knowledge of

Pete Samways at 16:53 on 14 Apr 2018

Thought provoking stuff. A big point for me was the need to make a cultural shift within organisations to address this topic

Introduction to some core DDD concepts, clear and easy to follow.

The speaker adopted an interactive approach taking questions and challenging the audience throughout the talk which worked quite well IMO. Just a remark about the style used by the speaker which engaging with the audience that might make some attendees less comfortable and prone to participate. Nevertheless a great talk.

Great talk. I thought that your code examples were particularly well chosen.

It's always great when people respected within the community open up and share their vulnerabilities, it can only have positive impacts.

The talk was well-prepared and impactful. I would suggest more visual aids during the long 'story time' to keep visual engagement. There were a couple of blips from tech issues but I think more speaking experience will naturally smooth those parts over