Talk comments

Very funny talk from a "sick" presenter ;)
Being familiar with RabbitMQ I was hopping for more hands-on pattern to scale your php applications and how to bypass the lack of decent multi-threading with queuing architecture.
For exemple how do you build something like Gearman with RabbitMQ & PHP when you need to run "long" background jobs.

Nice presentation fo xhprof and xhgui.
I was also expecting more "lessons learned" and more actionable tips.

Great introduction to Varnish capabilities with good examples to get quickly started

Anonymous at 10:14 on 24 Jan 2015

Awesome, fast paced and fun. Good thing Josh included the stuff he excluded as anti-patterns.

Very motivating and inspiring. This was about so much more than programming alone.

I liked that the examples were from an open source project. The demos were heavily impacted that Michelle had to hold the mic with one hand and type with the other. It was presented in a somewhat slow and monotonous way.

An hour was a bit too short for covering all of this, but sure did get a good idea of xhprof and xhgui. Thanks!

Anonymous at 10:10 on 24 Jan 2015

Inspiring! The headline was wrong, it had nothing to do with PHP.
But me and my colleague was full of ideas what to do with go.
Great example and a comprihensive coverage.

There was a good build up from simple event handlers to more complex ones. I also liked the concerns part of the presentation, because knowing the downsides of something is just as important as knowing the upsides. I'm looking forwards to reading your book.