Talk comments

This talk really conveyed the passion of what it means to be a PHP developer. Though not strictly relevant for day-to-day programming, it is interesting to see what goes on under the hood. It was brought with such enthusiasm that it's hard not to get excited about PHP, its history and its future.

An interesting example of a real-life API that was brought in a monotome way that unfortunately did not connect. I also would have loved to see more focus on REST and the technology stack in general, and a bit less on things like data maintenance (e.g. Elastic indexing).

Maybe it wasn't wise to start the talk by immediately dismissing the part of the title about REST maturity levels, as it set a tone of deviation from expectations made by the talk's title and outline.

As someone who doesn't (yet) use Docker, I found the talk interesting even though for me it didn't really reduce the "abracadabra" level of the technical complexity.

Great explanation of the philosophy and inner workings of Symfony by an expert on the topic. Slightly dry stuff, but good to know about and base architecture off of.

An important topic to become more aware of. I would have liked to have seen the content more substantiated - I felt that there was not always enough explanation about the why and how of personal experiences.

Kudos for the great accent.

Incredibly relevant even though it feels a bit out of place at a convention about programming. It really made clear what rights end users have had in the past and will have in the future going forward, and what companies need to change in order to comply to the new regulation.

Interesting topic that brought some useful info, but missed a clear-cut conclusion because its nature. The presentation style was too laid back for me and the repetition about iterators and data structures (e.g. Rudi Theunissen's) was a bit too much.

An interesting story about the risks and rewards of maintaining open source software.

Well prepared talk by a knowledgeable speaker. Well structured with good depth and demos, especially the clear explanation about rulesets and standards stood out for me.

Very accessible talk.

The speaker definitely deserves credit for not being phased at all by the microphone and sound issues.