Talk comments

Very informative. Yoi have me actually looking forward into researching GraphQL as an addition tonour REST apis. Thanks!

Wouter at 15:12 on 26 Jan 2019

The talk was a bit abstract because I didn't have any knowledge about asynchronous programming.
A suggestion is to try to make I a bit more practical. The demo showed good results so I'll do some more research on it for sure.

Well brought session, great how you both were able to facilitate the session on such short notice when Jeroen fell ill. At the beginning it felt a bit crowded, so making the attendees self organise in small groups to walk the wall was a great improvement! You should definitely do this again at another conference

I had no clue about aspect oriented design, now I have. Nice explanation of what AOP is, and why it can be useful. I learned a lot, and it was a good speaker as well.

Intresting, I discover new tools. I'm curious about the slides to get every of them.

As always an enjoyable talk to listen to. Not really new things, but sometimes I need a story like this. I liked the idea of looking to the git history to find problematic classes. And thanks for the reading tips.

I had no clue about PSR-18 (or PSR-7 or PSR-17), but now I am enlightened :-) And in the margin of this talk, I learned about php promises. This was probably the talk in which I learned the most these two days.

I didn't know generators or yield before I saw your talk: I learned something, so certainly worth hearing. I was a little lost when you started using generators in an event loop. Probably because I am new to asynchronous PHP as well. (This got better after I attended the talk of David Buchmann this morning, so now your talk makes more sense to me :-))

A tip: if you use 'less' to show your code, the code is shown at the bottom of the screen. I was in the back of the room, so I missed lot of that.

Clear explanation about the working of the messenger component. Also it was cool to hear about the problems that are being tackled for the next version.

You clearly explained how the internals of doctrine work, and you illustrated this with the source code of doctrine, which I found very interesting. Also you gave good insight in how you can try to reduce the number of queries doctrine generates, and it was also good to hear which features will disappear in doctrine 3.