This talk is about something that I live everyday, it's a hard challenge, and Meme has been able to catch the point and give a brilliant overview about UCD and Agile. Thank you!
I shouldn't say this, for the sake of Jacopo's ego, but he's really a "stage beast", a coach inside :)
I knew a bit about Solr since our CMF use it in one of its extensions, but I wasn't aware of its full potential.
The workshop was interesting, beside the waiting for people to install the system as our anonymous friend just said.
Attendiamo le slides :)
very nice talk, on an interesting and edge-like topic, with a lot of enthusiasm!
There was possibly no right balance between actually explaining XP values and principles and practices to the audience, or skipping them all, to move to the real case study ("xkanban" -> i loved the name!) - all in such a short slot.
Filippo did a very good job in glueing theories and values with real life, day to day, work.
There seem to be a pattern in the way that the guys from ideato approach talks to conferences / publicly present their findings / offer insight to their way of working:
"we have been doing this and that, because of this and that".
"we failed on this because of (possibly) that".
"we adapted our process, and we're now doing this and that (because of the same reasons / values explained at the top".
(cphp used the same approach last year,, and fullo and the others are aligned too, afaik)
This is a major contribution to the php scene. And to the Agile and Lean communities.
A big THANK YOU for doing that.
nice and clear presentation, solid concepts, useful tips
very professional talk, on a topic of great interest.
the use of a real world case study to support theory and practices was very appreciated. and the availability of source code on github another plus.
2 exact pomodoros ... what a discipline, giorgio! (and please, keep using the physical tomato ... maybe next time just be 100% sure it's far away from the mic ...)
one of the three talks at phpday2011 which make me try to hack, to see if i can use 6 stars to rate it
alberto has been clear, and deep, he supported theories and best practices with real code snippets, very well explained.
very very good talk. and a great way to start the saturday!
Caso pratico molto interessante, e presentato con chiarezza!