Talk comments

Great talk! Without doubt, one of the best of the PhpDay2014 edition.
A good performance that mix between: good contents, theory, practice and fun.

The talk was very clear and understandable and I liked both the content and the exposition: Miro gave me some new good ideas and confirmations.

Apigility is a very interesting tool and the talk was clear and completed by live examples, as usual: Enrico never disappoints my expectations.

This workshop alone was worth the journey to Verona.

I am a big fan of Brandon's work and I suggest everyone to subscribe to his newsletter and to read his books.

This guy knows how to engage with his audience and make complex arguments easy to understand.

He was definitively my favourite speaker.

This was one the topics I had more expectations about and the talk didn't disappointed me.
The main point is that there is no silver bullet to database versioning problem and Harrie was very good at explaining why and how to exploit the best available tools.

The talk was very useful to understand GAE limitations.

I liked this talk very much, it gave me a complete overview of providers and provisioners which I was missing.

I liked this talk, it gave me an overview about Ansible which I was very curious about.