Talk comments

I was surprised that there were no Sheldon Cooper gifs, but otherwise it was a great talk. It really made me reexamine our development processes because I learned that several things we were already doing actually could be considered feature flags.

My disappointment of Sheldon Cooper not actually being there was quickly replaced with a respect for Michael in how he presented the topic. A lot of information crammed into this presentation on the topic of feature flags. Perhaps this talk would've been a bit better with more clear practical examples.

Also (but I can't blame Michael for this) the presentation style and tone of voice of Michael is not really suitable for an after-lunch talk. As said, can't blame Michael for this, so this is a piece of feedback towards the organization.

Excellent talk on a very important subject. Extensive information presented in a great way. Thanks!

Stefano at 16:06 on 14 May 2018

Nice tips and good rhythm!

Very clear talk with many improvements to have a faster application

Talk well presented and managed, some tips could be very useful on how to improve skills into the team

Nice talk with some point to discuss into our team!

A bit basic for experienced Doctrine users, but well presented and clear.

FIG is awesome!

Interesting subject.
The only complain I can make is that more type-hinting on code would help to better understand how informations were passed between methods and classes