Keynote was great, thank you for speaking about this topics, specially opening public speaking part: hopefully it will motivate more people to share their knowledge with the community.
Hi Francesca, thank you for feedback, I value your input a lot!
Well presented and welcoming first talk of the conference :-) Maybe a little long, but I enjoyed the speaker and her history of self-taught nerdism :-)
A cool drive-in into a quite new (for me!) matter... Insightful.
Hi, Miro!
In my opinion the live demo is a very good idea, but the shell isn't perfectly readable from any angle in the room and I think that some talking as you go would really help your audience to keep up.
Thanks for reaching out, I hope you found my review constructive and not offensive :)
Wish you the best!
Pretty nice insights for a 25 minutes talk.
Nice takeaways and pointers.
I enjoyed the talk. I think that there was too much to be said in not enough time... That's why I couldn't quite keep the pace at which Stafano was talking :-) Maybe you could consider a subset of this presentation (or a more high level one) for this duration.
Nice panoramic on next xdebug releases.
Good to know in advance how to tweak the current version and what we’ll have with nexts.
Very good talk, I loved page object idea and will look more into object mother pattern, as I struggle with some complicated test setups as well.