Talk comments

Interesting talk, well delivered and engaging. Learnt a few things, laughed a few times. Overall - positive experience.

Great as usual. I always said that PHPNW has the best catering. Great food, free beer a lot of time to socialise and relax afterwards.

There is nothing I would change about it!

The best talk of the conference for me. An absolute winner. Will have to watch the video again once its out. So many things to take and put into practice. Will definitely explore the topic in more depth.

Delivered perfectly, smoothly. It was a pleasure. I hope I will have many more opportunities to listen Ross talk, he's got real talent!

Good talk, very well delivered. If I would not be at a similar talk last year at Symfony Live, I would definitely learn a lot of things. This time I thought I am actually gonna learn something specific about Drupal, but I could only blame myself by not reading the abstract properly.

In overall I am really happy seeing Drupal coming back to PHP community. I am more then sure it's the right move!

Very nice talk, I actually quite enjoyed it. Good examples of event programming will plenty of stuff to take back. Well delivered, the only thing I would improve would be to not so much to focus on the slides and treat them more as a background/helper.

Very good talk, well delivered. Learnt some good stuff about google engine and the limitation of the php runtime. Will definitely give it a go at some point. Also loved the fact that it was based on a real world example and explained how the problems found were resolved.

The joint talk did not work for me, it seemed that Mandy was a bit left aside and Ian took the stage at some point. But it did not affect the delivery. So not so much bothered about that bit.

Good talk. Well and professionally delivered. The video link worked surprisingly well! In terms of content, a good reminder about some of the principles so important in daily life of a developer. We so much tend to forget about the simplest things.

Not so much inspiring for seasoned developers, I would say better suited for beginners, but overall good intro for the conference.

What I would try to improve in the future - probably I would make it a bit more of a conversation, but I imagine that is a challenging idea.

Thanks for the great feedback! Had I known the camera would zoom in that much (I wasn't able to see the feed from my room), I would definitely have not moved around as much. (I usually get comments for staying in the same place and not moving :-)

Fascinating concept and approach to solving familiar problems in a - for me - totally new way.

Inspiring, it really was, although indeed a bit hard to follow at times due to the crowded slides.

Anonymous at 18:26 on 7 Oct 2013

Interesting concept but the dry delivery made it hard to follow. There was too much code & code font was too small. If Mark can put more character into his talk, I think it would be easier to follow.