Talk comments

Thanks for the overview. With PHP being designed as an HTML templating language, it surprising how many people ignore the ancillary overhead (TCP, Javascript) and focus on the code to little effect.

The technical content was solid but not always actionable. A few specific examples of "and here's what that looks like" would have been useful.

Also, agreed that the presentation format needs some energy.

I was happy to see this validate a few things that I've already done but more importantly he covered a few gotcha's that are hiding in the areas like Hooks and Middleware. It showed solid understanding of the tool and its uses.

I have nothing but the utmost respect for Ed for stepping up and hitting a hard and personal topic in an appropriate and useful way. I'm looking forward to seeing how this talk changes and impacts the community over time.

I agree with Patrick above.. it was somewhere between a "look, shiny!" talk and a howto and both were good but still felt incomplete.

Maybe this is better as two separate but connected sessions? Or go through all the basics and build towards *one* concrete example?

Good coverage of the background and principles involved in pitching and doing API-first systems.

Rob, another excellent talk on ZF2: crystal clear with the right-level of detail for the medium.

Of course, I have seen several talks already on ZF2, from you, from Matthew, and from Evan, among others. So, each talk makes things clearer and less mysterious. Since your's is the most recent one I have attended, you become the beneficiary of all that exposure.

But one reason I found this talk so effective was that it focused mostly on using/consuming the framework. Framework internals were mentioned briefly to describe what is going on without getting sidelined by their complexity or their implementation details.

Other highlights:

1. I found the especially effective the essentially chronological description of request processing: bootstrap, including event-wiring; routing; controllers that return either view-models or responses; and finally view-rendering.

2. The abbreviated event-firing diagram and the light-touch description of the event system was understandable without being overwhelming.

3. Your explicit identification of keys vs classes in the various service manager configs was *hugely* helpful. Of course, that extra level of mapping is a cool feature of the ZF2 itself. But since keys in the service manager often have the appearance of class names, it's easy to miss that they are just key names, unless it's explicitly identified.

In summary, another great talk and an auspicious launch of NomadPHP.

Thanks and cheers!

As I was reviewing the slides I decided to try out dependency injection wiring with getControllerConfig(). It seemed straightforward to me from the slides, but I ended up banging my head when the closure that wired up my controller would not get called. Eventually, I found the answer. It was because the module configuration file had a definition for the same controller. It would be nice to highlight this in your slides. If you mentioned it in the talk, sorry, I must have missed it.

Solution was found here:

Anonymous at 22:54 on 23 May 2013

Perhaps I wasn't the target audience-- this was listed as advanced, and I don't have a ton of experience with profiling-- but I found this talk hard to follow. I was in the back, so it was hard to hear Derick and to read the (often too dense) slides. I was hoping more for profiling techniques/concepts, but it seemed the content ended up being mostly a list of tools.

GTID looks pretty sweet--looking forward to upgrading.

I was disappointed that Percona Cluster wasn't covered adequately.

The read/write splitting slide was a little confusing--I didn't realize at first that the comments were hints used by the plugin to force using master or slave. It looked like the plugin just flips back and forth every time it sees 'select', which seemed pretty shaky.