…darn it, Joe. I think you just made me a Make convert.
More information than I thought I required, but I’ve come away from this talk with a much deeper understanding of UUIDs #PutABirdOnIt
Ian clearly knows his stuff and has done his research. It was good information, but the talk itself didn't grab me. The last few minutes of applying the information were really the meat-and-potatoes, and we couldn't dig in as deeply because of time. I think the application pieces would have been more effective sprinkled throughout the rest of the talk vs. at the very end.
Really loved the talk! I've seen Make before, but haven't used it in a long time. Joe very clearly articulated why Make is useful, and he showed a ton of examples where he has used it for his team. I plan to use it to automate Docker workflows for my team!
Good high level explanation and description of the various components for DDD in a PHP world. How each component relates to and works with the others was well thought out.
Good introduction of how to think about setting up a design system. The back and forth asking the audiences intentions and going through real examples was great.
Very good speaker. Loved the info on the basics of Rust from a php programmers perspective.
Great talk and perfect reminder that of the simplicity of mutable entities.
Tons of great info about the details of xdebug.
Matt, thanks for your comment! Will see if I can figure out how to work those items in in future revisions. Doesn't all fit, but some of it could've.