In summary, inspiring.
Freaking great. Made me wanna look on the framework again.
Just couldn't benefit more because I didn't had any php 5.4 installed. Gonna prepare a vm for that so I can use on conferences.
Good talk, great overview of a lot of good tools. Part of me wishes you had everyone download some virtual box .ova file before hand but I think you learn more installing the software and resolving the inevitable dependency hell.
Excellent. Deep technical insights regarding deploying production code followed by a motivational speech to stop bickering and do something important.
Heads up! Inspiring talk! The transition slide from deployment talk to talking about making a difference in the world was epic!
Very informative especially surrounding deployments that don't impact users during roll time. I admire the speaker's desire to make a difference outside of the IT offices in the real world.
Great talk. Nearly everything discussed was new to me.
This talk went lightning fast, and I like that. Information packed and informative. Lots of useful stuff I'm going to use right away.
Could have had less meme pics though. Too many naked people.