I love hearing Sara talk about anything. She's absolutely brilliant and her command of the stage, content, humor, and pace of the talk was exceptional. I would listen to her talk about anything at this point!
This talk really resonated and challenged me to keep progressing in not only mastery but collaboration and communication.
As one who works in an enterprise code base old enough to be in middle school, I really appreciated the real world code scenarios that strict typing and static analysis confront and conquer. It's a very quick way to demonstrate the value of such tooling / language features without too much theoretical values argued. The proof was right in front of our faces.
Paula did an excellent job discussing the merits and use cases of different types of testing with different technologies to give a well shaped test pyramid. I'm jealous of their test setup!
Always good to hear from a seasoned pro willing to share!
A bit slow at first, but I actually got quite a number of good ideas from this talk, and the humorous examples were brilliant.
Great conference, Adam! love it immensely! Keep up the good work.
Love Xdebug. Great presentation. AND Derick helped me get Xdebug running with my Docker setup and PHPStorm! A+. Would Xdebug again.
I reluctantly came to this presentation because I though, "oh here we go, another presentation on testing and how we need to be doing it. How original." But I ended up enjoying this presentation immensely because of the slightly different point of view, the humor and engaging personality, and the down to earth way of approaching the topic.
Excellent talk and really dug deep to point out the use cases and value propositions running an event loop can have. It's good to get PHP devs thinking about state and persistence. God knows the shared nothing architecture covers a multitude of state management sins. More of us should be aware of where to put stateful vs stateless behavior and Async / Event Loop really forces the issue.