Great talk, Thanx!
I had seen this talk on the master series, and it is very good, however not sure why I did not understand things I have already seen. Maybe about this time and being so far from the speaker made me sleepy and I got distracted. Please speak louder so that everyone can be drawn to what you are saying. The nice thing was the t-shirts you gave away. I got one :), and I ask you about the API, however I couldn't ask you more. I believe if you put a guzzle client plugin for OAuth2.0 open source that would be great. Please let me know. Thanks!
I liked your talk, you went over the clarification of concepts we already use, and then later on you were over to how you were running parallel tests. To know the history of features of phpunit is very helpful to understand the background and usage of things, so for this i give you 5. I wish you could have bring more detail to other usages, for instance the higher classes for testing. You also referred to me the documentation for extending PHPUnit assetions with custom assertions, however the documentation was not enough, I had to find this link and even then it is not so simple to do for me.
I also asked you a question about whether to use composer's autoload into the phpunit and about the best practice for structure of folders test if at which level root of inside the namespace. However I did not understood.
Evan I liked your talk a lot. From ocramius I heard good things from you and you proved to be very clear in spite that you had to cover so much in so little time. I got the best impressions from zendframework2 and I know now how to use it and what not to use, e.g. ServiceManager instead ZendDI. I think that to judge between frameworks we have to know and use both of them and not just use them for a couple of benchmarks but actually use them. Otherwise we are just getting offended at things we don't understand. Your talk introduced me to things I don't know about Zf2 and now I know that I can use. Excellent job giving the examples of SpeckCommerce however I went to check them and I found some empty repositories
then i went to see this and realized about that this is the datamapper concept you spoke about. Could you please explain to me more about the datamapper?
Thanks I would very much appreciate it.
I liked Crell speaking about functional code in a way that I was able to understand. Sorry about your throat man, I know that sucks. You did a superb job in spite of your voice problems. I liked very much how you translated the wikipedia-like documentation into single sentences that a 5 year old toddler could understand. Excellent job! That was the best you could do for your audience for that I give you 5.
Jonathan shared some more secrets from opensky for the sake of the community. The Ruler examples and the interfaces, the usage of JMSSerializerBundle to gain the API for free, the event architecture that gets for free statistic monitoring (graphite, graphie) and independent repo database migrations, a custom tool called slice to load production data to develop, the concept of data warehouse and just the engineering of decisions put this speaker at another level. I got very good ideas to work on or to architect my systems with Jonathan.
I am slow but his speaker abilities made me understand a lot of what he was saying. Good job guyz.
Excellent talk, including new material even for me. I'm going to have to look into a few of the practical tools mentioned, like vnd.error and HAL.
Good talk by Ben. Straight to the point just like this framework.
Very good introduction to re factoring. Smooth and solid talk! I really enjoy the way he walked through details and present real examples rather then doing a high level overview.
Where are the slides?