Talk comments

Jose Monagas at 01:15 on 23 Nov 2017

It should go more deep inside the materia

Jose Monagas at 01:13 on 23 Nov 2017

Very low quality slides and presentation.

Great talk that deserves more time ! The demo showed that 100% code coverage is a lie without mutation testing.

Very entertaining and interesting.

Good stuff. Very practical.

Very interesting talk. Good flow, easy to follow. Too bad about the technical problems.

Very nice talk! We saw the new behaviors of PHP 7 and the potential new PHP features. It was very interesting because it showed technically why some features are slow to release (for example JIT conflicts with legacy function of PHP).

It was a good talk. It presented some useful tools to detect and found performance issues. I was a little bit disappointed about "JMeter" part: I expected an explanation about which metrics we have to check.