Some nice do's and don't-s. Most of them were very familiar, some were missing (don't inject the container!). But overall a good talk (amd no need to apologise for your English, it was easy to follow along). Not sure about the bermuda's though :-).
Very interesting and entertaining talk about the new Guard authentication system.
Great talk. Anyone beginning with Doctrine should follow this to prevent them from doing things wrong (and the more experienced devs should attend to remind them of some of the pitfalls mentioned).
The API platform seems to be very interesting, but the way you presented it was lacking in quality. Don't just read slides, I'm convinced you can tell a story when you prepare it properly.
The intro to the main topic was too long winded. Got distracted because of this, and missed the interesting part of your talk.
Impressive results, but I was expecting a more technical view on things. Showing some code would help to keep your audience interested imho.
Nice overview of the security component, but like others I missed some depth. At times you also seemed to be rushing a bit, which makes it harder (especially for newcomers) to follow along. Maybe you could mention some of the security providers that exist out there to add some more depth to the talk?
Good keynote for the 10th anniversary of Symfony. Nice to get to know some people in the community I didn't know yet.
Inspiring talk. I'm glad you decided to come to France! Really looking forward to see (and use) the library you're working on.