Talk comments

Brilliant presentation. I'm not sure about the proposed solutions, but the session was really really nice.

Ryan is an excellent speaker, it's always a pleasure listening to him.
I liked also the concepts presented.

A conference session can not go further than this.

Need way more practice. If you go on stage an you read the script, blankly you simply loose the attention of the crowd. Being a public speaker is tough, being a speaker in foreign language is even worst, I get it, but this session has been one of the most difficult to follow for me. Need more more more practice, maybe you should try the speech with your fellows a couple of time before going public (also try some minor local user groups to make some practice).

I usually like David's talks, but not this one :(
The introduction was way too long and it was mainly about 12factor, but this was not clear from the title and from the abstract.

Great speaker. The presentation was entertaining and interesting. I was not aware of hence I was really curious about it and I enjoyed the overview. Sadly There wasn't much more than an overview of it. Now that I know the big picture, maybe I'll give it a shot. I'll give this talk only 3 out of 5 because I need more tech stuff to rate it higher. With less marketing stuff and more detailed tech stuff this could have been a 5.

Another interesting and entertaining talk. I think I'll borrow the split admin and frontend into seperate kernels idea in some future projects ;-).