Talk comments

Thank you for the talk, smooth and full of energy...and sure informative and useful

Thank You ,great talk,It was so useful...

It wasn't as epic as last year's keynote, but that one is very hard to top, but you've again brought on an interesting story with an important lesson for people to learn. Thanks.

Terrific presentation on Redis and how to use it. Especially appreciated the demo (and Legos).

Terrific talk on the HipHop Virtual Machine, what it does, how it does it, and why you'd want to use it. Engaging presentation by Sara.

Great talk on Auth. Thanks for the all the great info.

Really thought provoking stuff and I'll be investigating the concepts from this talk further to try to apply them to my own development. Larry presented really well, with a lot of energy, and was able to keep everyone's attention. Great presentation.

Lots of fun, despite the poor showing from Team Vest at the beginning. :)

I really enjoyed this as I've been thinking about moving my blog to Octopress for a while. It's great to know that a similar tool exists in the PHP space. I thought the slides and delivery were excellent, thanks!