Talk comments

This was a great talk on how to balance quality in an agile setting, with plenty of specific tips that could benefit a lot of companies and teams out there.

During Q&A, a real world client example was mentioned by Sebastian. Given that the talk ran a little bit short, I would have really loved to hear more real, first-hand client cases / stories where some of the things that were discussed had been successfully implemented (rather than just "yeah (Facebook|Etsy|Twitter) does this, read their blogs".

Content-wise, this was just review for me. I attended simply because I had a speaker pass, and in fact, I think I may have even attended a similar workshop by Stefan at a past ZendCon, IIRC.

That said, it was awesome to see Stefan give a completely dynamic workshop based on what the attendees threw at him. I even suggested a couple of common, yet particularly challenging e-commerce scenarios (the audience was being quiet) and Stefan was able to clearly present and explain decent OOP solutions to the problems.

David shared his experience and findings in using code reviews effectively (as well as what not to do). I took away numerous points I want to share with my team. Very useful!