Talk comments

Helena at 17:21 on 14 Oct 2019

Great presentation, the topic was interesting and delightfuly represented. It was informative and used good examples of real world use, so we could visualise how color could be (mis)used.

Fast paced but very interesting.

Great talk, interesting topic and a lot of actionable advices with recommended books.

Main issue is that the talk is wrongly titled and described, and probably quite a few people were there by mistake. Maybe a title like "We built custom web framework in Haskell" should be more appropriate.

Vedran Rodić at 16:24 on 14 Oct 2019

This talk was packed with useful information.

Saša Jurić at 16:21 on 14 Oct 2019

A nice and a well presented intro to WebAssembly.

Saša Jurić at 16:20 on 14 Oct 2019

Probably my favourite talk of the event. The talk could easily serve as a textbook example of how a complex topic should be presented. The speaker went into just the right amount of details. With little to no preexisting knowledge on the topic, I was able to follow the talk easily, and get a lot of useful information. And yet, the talk I never felt overwhelmed or bored. There were some important points made, most (if not all) of which are relevant for the field of software industry.

Interesting and insightful.