Talk comments

I liked this introduction, but it would probably have worked a bit better as a (longer) tutorial.

Best talk of the conference so far. Very relevant and people obviously had a lot to say. I also really enjoyed your no-BS presentation style.

Highly technical. Also great to see zee on stage with a technical talk, doesn't happen too often. Dimitry was at times difficult to follow because of the speed. Best thing of the talk was that this provided the technical background to the claims earlier today that Zend has increased php performance significantly in the upcoming version. I have faith that this wasn't just a marketing claim now.

Very good, great job on letting the discussions and debate go on. very dynamic, you should have presenteda t the end of the day.

Great overview. Assumed little but presented arguments for and against .

Excellent material, but the speaker's presentation style was really boring. The speaker ran over time as well, which I hate. 2 thumbs for presentation, 4 thumbs for information = 3 thumbs overall.

All good information but nothing new really. The 2nd half seemed to drag.