Talk comments

Lots of info on what to look for and lots of tools on how to determine the problem. Well put together and presented.

Great review and helpful strategies for taking the certification.

Supreme - sincerely appreciated the demo of test-driven code (its clear to me we need to make this transition at our company), and appreciated the many resources offered for how to research/learn more. I now aspire to a whole new level of clean, useful, stable code development.

So appreciative of this session, and so appreciative of Skoop and Enrico working together to demonstrate the cooperative and communal nature of PHP and those who develop with it. Definitely some fantastic components in each framework, and I really appreciate being able to easily snap in the pieces that are most relevant to a specific project. Invaluable tips on technologies that make piecing together frameworks fast and stable.

Haven't looked much at the SPL before. That has changed after this talk. Lot of good stuff from this presentation.

A lot of great information. I'm still processing everything.
I think a few concrete examples, maybe "patterns in the wild" might help the more concrete thinking of us.