Talk comments

Very good talk - clear presentation, clean speech, nice description of different HTTP aspects.

There was recommended a debugging proxy ($50 price), but I think, that Fiddler can do same stuff for free.

Anonymous at 10:03 on 9 Oct 2013

Great talk, lots of information delivered in a clear and easily understandable way. Thanks Ben!

Anonymous at 10:01 on 9 Oct 2013

Great talk. Very informative. I liked the clear concise examples and structure.

Good pacing by building on concepts mentioned in the early parts of the talk.

Fantastic, speaker really had command of the subject. Really liked hearing how internals were written for bcrypt

Great talk covering a whole ton of information about HTTP as it is now and what's coming and what to expect as it evolves. Good stuff.

Was a good session however he re-used slides for the first half from his Clean Code tutorial. Other than that the last half where he showed sample code was nice. I felt overall good presentation.

Not what I was expecting. Not a bad talk though. Could have gone into more detail about moving from an existing application to mobile

Let me preface this with I understand this was Clark's first ever conference talk.

The subject was very timely for me. I am in the early stages of planning out a new mobile first paradigm for my company. Unfortunately, mostly because of this being a first go, the talk ended up being more of a discussion of refactoring and proper application design than it was a talk about mobile development. For the purposes of this talk, it probably would have been better to focus on the higher level design decisions that went into the application that caused it to be hard to make it mobile. For the purposes of this talk, a look at the live code was probably not necessary. At the very, very end the discussion turned to how would be the best way to separate concerns for a mobile app. That should have been what the entire talk was about.

Again, I understand this was a first time speaker. The subject of the talk is solid and could be excellent. Just try to focus in on, and stay on, the intended subject instead of taking up time talking about other things that don't directly pertain to the mobile aspect of the project.

Moved fast, on topic, and subject was really interesting. Also, props for not bashing on MySQL in comparisons.