Talk comments

Good presentation. It validated some of the struggles I've been having and confirmed that it's OK to refactor. Would have been nice to see what the code looked like before and after the refactor.

This subject is a hot topic for many organizations, especially those with applications that pre-date the mobile era. It would have been a great opportunity to give a well structured presentation and help others prepare for the inevitable transition to mobile. Unfortunately, the presentation never really got off the ground and lacked wisdom, best practices, or tips.

Tips for making the talk better in the future:
* Identify what knowledge you want to convey and focus on that.
* Have a clear outline for the presentation.
* Understand that the audience is excited to hear what you have to say on the specific topic, so focus on the good stuff.

Understood that this was the presenter's first talk so kudos to you, keep doing it!

I always love seeing whatever Christian has to present, because I love his high-wire live code technique. Great presenter. Nice overview of techniques, even if you do end up choosing something like poly-fill all the implementation headaches in the end :-)

Not only a great community leader and a really nice guy, but also a great presenter. Nice job.

Excited about Apigility. Eager for authentication feature and for tighter Doctrine support.

Thanks for the talk. Very informative.

I liked it a lot. I haven't touched sockets in a long time and now feel compelled to in PHP...

I liked it a lot. I haven't touched sockets in a long time and now feel compelled to in PHP...

Good insight about the software and services stack used for massive websites. Interesting to briefly understand the tools, options available without the need to dig into on my own. Speaker is real tech pro in the topic.

Agree with the first comment - without the mic it was quite hard to hear the talk.