Very helpful overview ! and done in a very good manner
Very nice use case and example , I will check Azure ...
We have been using xdebug for a while with phpstorm, thanks for showing us a great overview and explanation of the advanced options and settings.
Great demo
was a good overall talk, but not much was said about testing ZF2 apps specifically.
Very good overview of the HTTP verbs and mechanics behind HTTP itself.
Excellent, excellent talk. Fun to listen too, and very dynamic as well. The speaker is exceptionally knowledgable.
Could the slides get posted?
Great talk, and great overview of refactoring principles. Adam makes me want to go back to work and refactor all our code!
Excellent Talk, very educational look at nginx and what not to do and how to do some cool things for dev environments!
Next time see if you can do 2 sessions, one beginner and one advanced because it would be great to see some of your more advanced uses of nginx.
You have some great ideas and you are very good at presenting them.