Agree w/ Summer. Great topic, difficult to hear parts.
Lots of information to digest & great jumping off point to learn about the topic
Great to hear what’s coming up for php
A good breakdown for new people to docker.
Lisa was enthusiastic about this topic which makes it more fun for all. It was not only a great breakdown of blockchain and how it works but she also helped with crtyptography questions/insights.
Lots of good examples to take away from this presentation.
Very good info on Kafka.
Great reintroduction to PHPUnit.
A lot of text I could have read on my own; would have been great to see actual ActiveMQ practical or ‘real-world’ example (how & why)
Provided some surface comparison between Kafka and other queueing solutions, which was nice. Would have been better to have some in-depth PHP info. Or, any PHP info. All code examples focused on Java. I guess this is a reflection of Zendcon's new expanded scope?