Talk comments

A nice little cool-down from the conference, it's always nice to have a moment in which you can shake hands and say goodbye to both old and new found friends.

on Drinks!

A nice little chat with some well known speakers. Although it was much speculation and trying to find out what Scott is actually doing, I really appreciated this welcome cool-down after days of learning and information consuming.

Sebastian is really the quality king out there, and he has showed us again in this session. Although many of the given info was already known to me it still had lots of little things which I keep forgetting or just didn't know yet. I really enjoyed this session and it was over before I even had the idea that we got started. Time flies when you're having fun.

Woohoo the crap throwing session with inflatable shit! This was great fun, and also had a core of very useful information. It really got me all warmed up to start writing again soon. But first I have to do my homework before I put it out there.
Great fun, great info, great session!

Woohoo the crap throwing session with inflatable shit! This was great fun, and also had a core of very useful information. It really got me all warmed up to start writing again soon. But first I have to do my homework before I put it out there.
Great fun, great info, great session!

This is without a doubt one of the best main-track sessions I've seen. It started off with the basics and for a moment I was scared that that would be it. But just about halfway the session all the good stuff came which made this talk a must-see for everyone no matter if you're into caching or not.

This was the best keynote I have ever seen. Although it wasn't technical at all, it showed us all something that we surely need to know but just don't come up with between the UML'ing and programming.
Although I was working on my own presentation I listened carefully and sometimes even looked up because I actually didn't want to miss this one.

I think it was something with beer.... lots of it... but that and all the nice people are all I still remember ;)

Cal knew how to steal the show again, and although this session had nothing to do with PHP it was great to see an application getting build up from the ground in Flex.
But I'm sorry to say that I still don't see a large future for me in building these myself.

Now this is one of those talks I really love, practical example, good interaction with the crowd and really some nice stuff to think about. It was nice to look into existing code, the structure and ofcourse to learn something about the bayesian filter which is applied in many anti-spam solutions.