Talk comments

very very interesting. we gotta start doing that. right after automated testing :)

How can you not like a session with scatological humor? This was a great session. Anyone who is currently writing blog posts, articles, books or anything else technical needs to listen to this session. As always, Liz never fails to entertain and inform.

Interesting. We already have the in house script which seems the best. We don't have any branching problems because [we don't use so many branches :))] we have the names of the patches generated from timestamp. pretty small chance that two developers will create a patch in the exact same second.

I think this presentation should have a 'versus' in the title. I thought we can combine those two before the presentation. Interesting though.

intresting subject. the speaker was good too.

Really pleasant surprise to get such a great insight in upcoming mysql stuff.

Would definitely come to see Jeroen do a full talk on Varnish.

Great insight in some awesome stuff being developed. Easy to follow even for those who didn't see the "big" Cairo talk.

Solid overview of the entire code review process. Would however have liked to have seen a bit more emphasis on the human aspect.

This was a fun session to start with, and although 97 tips wouldn't fit into the schedule it would be nice to spend less time per item and present more tips. Don't see this as something negative though, wanting more after seeing this is actually a good thing.