Nice talk to listen to. You can talk very relaxed and your passion for the subject is cool to see. one little thing of feedback, even if there's a little bug in your presentation, don't bring it up to many times to apologize for it ;).
Great talk! Practical solutions for recognizable issues you run into when designing an API.
Very inspiring. Lots of situations were recognizable to me. Thanks!
Clear talk. I liked the level of detail picked, just enough for me to determine which subject I want to read more about, and still cover a lot of ground. Some of it was more relevant to api devs then php end users, but there was more than enough for everyone.
The talk didn't work for me. Between the lines you could see the speaker really knows his stuff, but he wasn't able to communicate any useful techniques or starting points.
Having the actual sql-commands running during the presentation also slowed it down a lot, and didn't add a lot for me.
Would have liked to know more about _how_ to optimize tables for your specific searches, and how to do this in more complex cases.
A clear talk and well argued. I'm definitely looking into using this.
Also nicely done within the time, and I liked you repeating the questions before answering.
The talk might benefit from a short image of what a developer's working setup will look like (local VM with server, shared path etc) before diving into the details.
Good talk; it was really good to see what codeception is capable of and offers a solid basis to take a deeper look into it.
A point of improvement might be that some of the slides contain a bit too much text as I found myself reading the slides instead of listening to Jeremy once in a while.
Excellent talk, it was clear you have a lot of practical experience dealing with these issues. I'm far more convinced of the use of value classes now.
Excellent opening talk, energizing people for the rest of the talks
Inspiring and good talk. Well presented, and building the story with code examples worked out really good i think.