Talk comments

Anonymous at 23:07 on 29 Jun 2014

Interesting talk, especially the examples of implementing Websockets.

Anonymous at 23:05 on 29 Jun 2014

I've learned a lot from the speech. The demo was really great, the presentation had a lot of practical information on how to deal with Redis in PHP.

Very nice talk, maybe a bit too fast for others but I liked it and didn't find it made things hard to understand. Very efficient, clear and well structured. Honestly, this was one of the best talks I heard at dpc.

Anonymous at 23:02 on 29 Jun 2014

The subject was presented too fast so that the theoretical part of the presentation wasn't always clear for a newbie who is not familiar with Cassandra. The real use cases were presented very shortly and not deeply enough. And reading text from a slide which contains a definition copied from the internet is just unacceptable at such kind of event.

You obviously did this before already, clear, calm and to the point. Sad to hear you left out some more advanced stuff because of the 45min limit...

Could use some more demo time but 45minutes just isn't enough for a talk like this. I do feel about 80% of the talks at dpc could use an extra 15minutes so this is hardly your fault and more something the organisers should take into account. You spoke very calmly, clearly and made some good points. Nice talk!

Anonymous at 22:57 on 29 Jun 2014

The live coding part was really great. I learned something new. That was one of the most interesting talks at the conference.

Very good talk, nice to see you already made a tool for it. The only remark I have is that sometimes I couldn't understand you because you where mumbling to someone in the front.

Anonymous at 22:54 on 29 Jun 2014

Interesting and inspiring. Presented in a very good, entertaining way.

Extremely basic, this was not an advanced talk at all. It's not a bad subject to talk about, but if you label it as advanced I expect a whole lot more...