Talk comments

Nice talk, I learned a lot. And I guess I might improve my workflow a lot with these tips & tricks. The talk triggers me to explore the IDE to see where I can improve (and use my mouse less...). Well done!

I liked the talk, it was fast-paced and funny and the speaker really knew the subject well.
Concerning the demos, I think it is nice that we could see what ReactPHP could do, but I would like to see a little bit more explanation of the code. In the back of the room, the code was not readable very well due to some highlighting issues of the text editor. Also, when scrolling through the code, it was not clearly visible what was happening.
There are two things I would have liked to hear but that were missing from the presentation:
- what is the drawback of using ReactPHP?
- how is ReactPHP working under the hood?

And wow, a GUI in PHP? The speaker must have a lot of spare time :P

I might not be 'as introverted' as the speaker, but I really recognized some situations she described. My take-away: know your boundaries, respect them and ask others to respect them too.

I agree with Youri Thielen's comment.
In addition, you somewhere mentioned about using @throws annotations that it does not matter whether you name a specific type or just 'Exception'. In my opinion, this is not a very good idea. If an exception is annotated by its exact type, it can be caught by exactly that type (assuming that the one who writes a corresponding try/catch clause looks at the @throws annotation). In that way, you don't have the risk of catching exception you did not expect (in contrast to the situation when using 'Exception' or 'Throwable' in your catch clause.)

To end on a more positive note: somewhere in the talk you mentioned that 'you should not be using the "extends"-keyword too much', and I can only agree to that.

Erik de Bos at 21:50 on 30 Jun 2017

Great speaker, this guy is ready for a keynote! Brought a hyped-up subject down to earth and showed how quite simple it is. Great humour!

Erik de Bos at 21:49 on 30 Jun 2017

Nice talk with valuable info regarding story mapping. Bit basic.

Erik de Bos at 21:46 on 30 Jun 2017

Great talk covering practical application of different documenting techniques. Well structured and well presented.

What I found really positive is that the speaker introduced all 'basic' components of the semantic web, accompanied by some easy examples. Some humorous notes made the talk enjoyable to listen to. A small point of improvement could be a real-life example of a situation where using 'Semantic Web'-techniques would be the best thing to do.

Erik de Bos at 21:44 on 30 Jun 2017

I expected a more in depth evaluation of SOLID, with practical examples. Instead this was a rather basic walk-though of the principles.

Erik de Bos at 21:42 on 30 Jun 2017

Interesting subject, but I would have wanted a more complete view of the process, or more focus on applicability. Instead it was a bit of both without satisfying either.