Talk comments

I really liked the talk, as the both the benefits and the challenges of applying XP were explained. The parts on the theory were interesting, but there were a whole lot of 'things' (i.e. values, principles and practises) that were mentioned. It might be a good idea to focus on a few of those to avoid an overload of information.

Erik de Bos at 21:33 on 30 Jun 2017

Inspiring talk! Great practical intro to XP - I can read a book anytime, but this kind of practical experience is great.
This is the reason I come to DPC.

I had no expectation from the "mere talk" about MySQL and i was very surprise. Talk was vivid and filled with humor.

Erik de Bos at 21:27 on 30 Jun 2017

Very interesting talk - important subject which fits well with a changing focus in the IT world. However, for a keynote I would expect slides!

Great and inspiring talk! Absence of slides was plus for me and emphasize skill and self-confidence of speaker.

Youri Thielen at 20:52 on 30 Jun 2017

Definitely picked up some tips & tricks that I'm going to incorporate into my daily work! It also made me realize again how much more efficient you can work when you know your IDE well.

Youri Thielen at 20:45 on 30 Jun 2017

Good humor and lots of enthusiasm! Before the talk I understood the concepts of ReactPHP, that of non-blocking i/o, but was wondering how it was implemented in PHP at the low level. It seems stream_set_blocking($stream, false) is key, maybe that's something to incorporate in your talk? The explanation of the Event Loop and Promises were great, but i guess they all revolve around stream_set_blocking($stream, false).

Youri Thielen at 20:39 on 30 Jun 2017

Great content, explained very well and succinctly.

Youri Thielen at 20:34 on 30 Jun 2017

Great talk! Complex topics were illustrated using the most bare-bone and to the point examples. Enjoyed it!

Youri Thielen at 20:32 on 30 Jun 2017

The speaker talked in a very monotone voice. Content-wise I excepted more in-depth content about pros and cons, more background as to why/how.

The self-promotion and recruitment were a bit to obvious.