Talk comments

Bas at 20:32 on 30 Jun 2017

Nice to get insights on this topic. Good presentation, nice the demo's during talk.

Bas at 20:28 on 30 Jun 2017

Great talk. Nice to get everyone involved. Interesting suject.

Bas at 20:25 on 30 Jun 2017

Nothing that you could not already find yourself on the webz.

Youri Thielen at 20:15 on 30 Jun 2017

Great talk on a very important subject, it's a pitty it seems to be lost on to some people judging by some comments here. Like Joe put it: good soft skills is what separates great developers from excellent developers. Communication is key.

The form of the talk could have been better, the notes on the phone were slightly distracting to me, but for me a great talk doesn't have to be 'entertaining'.

Youri Thielen at 19:27 on 30 Jun 2017

To be honest, I expected more from this talk. A few things I would like to point out:
- Dependency Injection Principle was used where Dependency Inversion Principle was meant. They are related but not the same.
- When you talked about the open/closed principle, focus was a lot on the PHP language keyword 'extends'. The "open for extension" part of the open/closed principle is actually about the concept of changing a class'/module behaviour, this can be done trough extending a class but composition should be preferred. "Composition over inheritance" was not mentioned.
- The Liskov examples were pretty much spot on
- The examples regarding DIP were not that great to be honest. They missed the essence of the DIP principle. Also, the examples could have been a lot simpler.
- There are good reasons to use the final keyword in PHP. Also, don't mock what you don't own (regarding your complaint about not being able to mock a Doctrine class)
- Suggesting not to use the private keyword was not backed by a good reason.

Heavily encouraging talk to give react PHP a try with a lot of funny examples

Anonymous at 18:15 on 30 Jun 2017

Content was a fair bit more superficial than expected. I was expecting more on subjects like advanced debugger use and the code mappings, rather than basic profiling and optimising.
The presentation style was pleasant and relaxed, although the preamble could be shortened down a bit in my view.

Sander vT at 18:07 on 30 Jun 2017

Too bad there was no time for tcpdump/Wireshark. You spent too much time on the many slides of theory. You clearly enjoy talking about this subject, so compliments for making this talk less dull than the subject!

Funny, informative and practical.

Sander vT at 18:01 on 30 Jun 2017

Entertaining speaker and presentation. Perfect introduction to GraphQL. Makes me want to start hacking immediately!